We are happy to introduce our Career services!
Throughout the years Draw Me A Jewel build a strong community of jewellery brands and freelance designers. And now we would like to apply our networking knowledge and launch a career assistance bureau. Draw Me A JeweL Careers provides an expertise selection of several perfect candidates from our students and friends database.

The course has been present in such educational and cultural institutions as Victorian & Albert Museum (London), Central Saint Martins (London), Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow) ADD MORE, etc. Our creative community is spread all over the world and is present in more than NUMBER countries.

Our creative community is spread all over the world and is present in more than ??? countries.
Tilda Publishing
We developed two different options to suit your candidate search needs. To make it as efficient as possible, we created a short questionnaire that will optimise the application.
— Publication of the job vacancy in our Alumni group

— Publication of the job vacancy in our Instagram stories (more than 21k subscribers and over 1000 of daily views of our stories)

— Email notification for our Alumni
We will apply a blended method of algorithm and manual search to select 3 to 5 perfect candidates for your vacancy. All candidates will be verified through our database.

Tilda Publishing
Verified candidates
We select reliable candidates from our student database.
Flexible choices
Full or part-time, online or offline - you can negotiate the conditions.
I am cool
I am just so so cool